business writing assigment
May 29, 2020
Economic Environment of Business
May 29, 2020

Using QuickBooks

Using QuickBooks
The second part of your assignment requires you to process the transaction and adjustments in QuickBooks to confirm the results in your Excel file. A QuickBooks template with accounts and balances in place has already been prepared.
Accessing QuickBooks at QUT
Blackboard and go to the Quickbooks file in the Assessment Item 2 folder. Save the QuickBooks file Advertising Revolution Student Template’ to your USB, H drive, or other
storage device. Rename the file by substituting your family name and student number in place of Student template’ in the file name
1. In the computer lab, click on screen and enter username (student number) and password
2. Load QuickBooks by clicking on either (a) the shortcut on the desktop, or (b) :
Start è All Programs è QuickBooks è QuickBooks Premier €“ Student Edition V19
3. On the Welcome to QuickBooks’ screen click on è an existing company file è Restore a backup copy (.QBB) è Local Backup è and then go to the drive where you stored the file in (1) above and click on the file.
4. QuickBooks will then ask where you wish to store the file. Select you preferred location (USB or H drive) and the Quickbooks will save the data to the selected drive. A dialogue box with Your data has been restored successfully’ will display Click OK. Your file is now and you are ready to process transactions.

Personalise your file
It is a requirement of the assignment that you incorporate your family name and student number in the firm name. Click on Company’ in the toolbar and a dialogue box titled Company Information’ will . In the Company Name’ box insert your family name and student number after Advertising Revolution’. Click OK’.


The Home’ page (see screen shot above) is where you will process all your transactions. Each transaction will be processed by clicking on the appropriate icon.

Before attempting to process the transactions in the Advertising Revolution file we need to practice processing transactions in a separate file. Close your Advertising Revolution file (File, Close Company €“ in future when you wish to access this file the .QBW file) Download the Training Exercise file and save it with a different file name from your assignment.
The following transactions are for practice only and not part of the assignment:
1. September 1 Paid for prepaid insurance of $2,200 for 12 months effective
1 September (including GST $200) with cheque number 5.
In the Banking’ portion of Home page select Write Cheques’
The cheque dialogue box s (below) and automatically selects the ANZ Bank Account’ as the source of funds
Change the cheque No.’ (top right hand side) from 1 to 5.
Change the date to 1 September 2013 by clicking in the box to the right of the date on the cheque and select 1 September 2013.
Insert $2,200 for the amount of the cheque.
In the payee section (Pay to the order of €¦) type Insurance Company’ and press Tab’
A dialogue box will indicating that Insurance Company is not in the Name List’
Select Quick Add’ and then select Other’ from the options. Click OK’
Below the cheque you will see headings titles Account, Tax, Net Amt, etc. Note that the amount of $2200 has been populated in the box under Net Amt’
Click in the box under Account’ and type Prepaid’. Select Prepaid Insurance’
Click on the arrow in the box under Tax’. Click on NCG’. Note that the GST amount of $200 has been automatically populated in the Tax box to the right of the Net Amt box, while the Net Amt has reverted to $2000.
The transaction is now complete €“ click on Save and Close’

2. September 6 Received invoice number FR1324 from Iron Press Pty Ltd for fees relating to August advertising placement expense for client advertising in both print and television. The invoice totals $36,300 (including GST $3,300). (Purchased on credit with payment due in 30 days).
In the Suppliers’ section of the Home page click on Enter Bills’
In the Bill’ (purple) section amend the date to 6 September 2013, insert FR1324 as the Ref No.’ and $36, 300 as the amount. You may ignore the Bill Due section for our purposes.
Insert Iron Press Pty Ltd’ as Supplier’ and hit Tab’
A dialogue box will indicating that Iron Press Pty Ltd’ is not in the Supplier List. Click Quick Add’
Note that $36,300 has been populated under Net Amt’ in the boxes below the Bill’.
Click in the box below Account’ and type Advertising’ ? Click on Advertising Placement Expense’. Click on the arrow under Tax’ and select NCG’. The GST amount of $3,300 is automatically populated in the Tax’ amount box and the Net Amt reverts to $33,000. Our transaction is now complete €“ click on Save and Close’.
3. September 6 Kelda received cash from a new client for $13,750 (including GST $1,250) for professional fees relating to design of print advertising that Kelda will complete in July. (Use Fees Revenue Account) In QB select Record Deposits’
In the Banking’ section select Record Deposits’. Note that the ANZ bank account has been selected automatically in the dialogue box. Amend date to 6 September 2013. Under From Account’ type and select Fees Revenue’ $12,500 and GST Clearing’ $1,250. Click on Save and Close’.
4. September 9 Provided services on credit to Envisage Real Estate to design signage, Invoice Number AR873 $5500 (including GST $500).

In QB select Invoices’. In the dialogue box select Envisage Real Estate’ as Customer; Job’, enter the transaction date and Invoice no AR873. Click in the box under Item’ and select Add new’. A New Item’ dialogue box will €“ select/type Service’ under Type’ and enter Service’ in the Item Name /Number’ box. Click on the down arrow next to Tax Code’ and select GST’. In the Account’ box type Fees Revenue’ and click OK’.

In the Create Invoice’ dialogue box input $5,000 under price and press tab. From the drop down menu under Tax’ select GST’. The TAX AMT’ box will automatically be populated. The entry is now complete €“ press Save and Close’.
5. September 10 Paid Wholesale Press $36,800 with cheque number 91 as part payment of prior month expenditure. In QB select Pay Bills’
In the Suppliers’ section click on Pay Bills’. Tick’ the box next to Wholesale’ Press’ or select Wholesale Press’ in the Show Bills For’ box. As we are only making a part payment click in the Amt. to Pay’ box, clear the contents and input $36,800 and press Tab’. Click on the Assign cheque #’ box and amend the Payment Date’ to 10 September 2013. Press Pay Selected Bills’ and the Assign Cheque Numbers’ dialogue box will . The cheque details are already entered €“ we just need to input cheque no. 91′. Click OK’.

6. September 16 Received $11,000 from Envisage Real Estate as payment on account.

Click on Receive Payments’ in the Customer’ section, select Envisage Real Estate’ under Received From’ and input $11,000 in the amount box. Change the date to 16 September. Select Cheque’ in the Pmt. Method’ section. Ensure that ANZ Bank Account’ is selected in the Deposit to’ box. The transaction is now complete €“ Click Save and Close’.

How to post adjusting entries
In the toolbar at the top of the screen click on Accountant’. From the dropdown menu select Make General Journal Entries €¦’. Check the Adjusting Entry’ box, and amend date to 30/9/13. Under Account’ type/select Insurance expense’ and insert $1,000 in the Debit column On the next line type/select Prepaid Insurance’ and insert $1,000 in the credit column. The transaction is now complete €“ click Save and Close’ or Save and New’ for another adjusting entry.

Print an adjusted Trial Balance
In the toolbar at the top of the screen click on Reports’. From the dropdown menu select Accountant’, Adjusted Trial Balance’. In the Adjusted Trial Balance box, insert 01/09/2013′ in the From’ box and 30/9/2013 in the To’ box and click Refresh’. The Trial Balance on the screen will automatically update. Click on Print’.

Print a Profit and Loss Statement
In the toolbar at the top click on Reports’. Select Company and Financial’ and Profit and Loss Standard’.
The Profit and Loss report s. Input the date range €“ From 1/9/2013 to 30/9/2013 and click Refresh’. Note that reported Net Income of -$16,500 (i.e. a loss of $16,500) is identical to the net income reported in the adjusted trial balance (above). Click Print

Print a Balance Sheet
Follow the procedure described above (In the toolbar at the top click on Reports’. Select Company and Financial’ and Balance Sheet’). Input 30/9/2013 in the As of’ date box and click Refresh’. Click Print.

Now it is time to save and exit the training file, re the .QBW Advertising Revolution file and process following the transactions in that file.

Remember, these are the same transactions you input into excel.
July Transactions:

The business transactions that occurred in July in the current year are as follows:

1. July 1 Paid for prepaid insurance of $1,980 for 12 months effective 1 July (including GST $180) with cheque number 87. In QB select Write Cheques’ make the cheque out to Insurance Company’ hit Tab, select Quick Add, Other, OK. See Training exercise transaction no. 1.

2. July 1 Purchased a computer on credit from UShop Computers for $5,775 (including GST $525). The computer has a life of 4 years and will have a residual value of $0. (Purchased on credit with payment due in 30 days). In QB select Enter Bill’, Select U Shop Computers as Supplier’ See Training Exercise no. 2. Select CAG as the Tax code. In QuickBooks use the asset account Computer Equipment: Original Cost’

3. July 1 Received $22,000 (including GST $2,000) as a deposit from a new client for professional fees commencing in July. (Use Unearned Revenue Account). In QB select Record deposit’ and follow process of Training Exercise transaction no. 3.

4. July 2 Kelda withdrew $5, 000 cash for her personal use with cheque number 88. In QB select Write Cheque’. Make cheque out to Drawings’ hit Tab, select Quick Add, Other, OK. See Training exercise transaction no. 1.

5. July 2 Provided services on credit to Envisage Real Estate to design signage, Invoice Number AR873 $5,346 (including GST $486). In QB select Invoices’ See Training Exercise transaction no. 4.

6. July 4 Kelda received cash from a new client for $13,750 (including GST $1,250) for professional fees relating to design of print advertising that Kelda will complete in July. (Use Fees Revenue Account) In QB select Record Deposits’

7. July 6 Purchased office supplies with cheque number 89 for $1,045 (including GST $95) (Use Office Supplies Inventory Account). In QB select Write Cheques’ Make the cheque out to Office Supplier, hit Tab, select Quick Add, Other, OK. See Training exercise transaction no. 1.

8. July 11 Invoiced Strong Plumbing with Invoice Number AR874 for $42,075 (including GST $3,825) in respect to the design of a TV campaign. In QB select Invoice’ See Training Exercise transaction no. 4.

9. July 11 Paid the fortnightly net wages of the assistant and other casual staff of $8,409 with cheque number 90 (no GST is applicable). (This wages cheque must be SPLIT between the wages owing from the previous month $2,673 and the current wages expense $5,736.) In QB select Write Cheques’ make the cheque out to Wages, hit Tab, select Quick Add, Other, OK. See Training exercise transaction no. 1.

10. July 21 Received an invoice from MTA Travel for $2,750 (including GST $250) in relation to staff travel expenses to attend a conference in July. (Purchased on credit with payment due in 30 days). In QB select Enter Bills’ When selecting the account to debit you will find that there is no account for Staff Travel Expense’. Type Staff Travel Expense’ in the Account’ box, hit Tab and a dialogue box will . Click Set Up’, Expense, and Continue, and Save and Close’. Use NCG’ as the tax code.

11. July 21 Paid Wholesale Press $36,800 with cheque number 91 as part payment of prior month expenditure. In QB select Pay Bills’. Use Training Exercise transaction no. 5 as example. Remember to check the Assign Cheque’ button

12. July 22 Received $20,000 from Strong Plumbing as payment on account. In QB select Receive payments. Use Training Exercise transaction 6 as example. Remember to amend Deposit to’ to ANZ Bank Account

13. July 25 Paid the fortnightly net wages of the PR assistant and other casual staff of $8,730 with cheque number 92 (no GST is applicable). In QB select Write Cheques’

14. July 26 Paid employer superannuation contributions of $1,687 accrued from the previous month with cheque number 93. (This is a payment of what was owing at the start of the month€”the Superannuation Payable account) In QB select Write Cheques’. Make the cheque out to Superannuation, hit Tab, Select Quick Add, Other, OK.

15. July 26 Paid the previous month’s PAYG tax payable $3,256, cheque number 94. In QB select Write Cheque’ Make the cheque out to ATO’, hit Tab, Select Quick Add, Other, OK.

16. July 27 Received invoice number CPI7345 from Wholesale Press Pty Ltd for fees relating to July advertising placement expense for client advertising in both print and television. The invoice totals $35,640 (including GST $3,240). (Purchased on credit with payment due in 30 days). In QB select Enter Bills’. Use Training Exercise example no. 2.

17. July 27 Paid UShop Computers the balance owing $11,770, cheque number 95. In QB select Pay Bills’. Use Training Exercise transaction no. 5 as example.

18. July 28 Paid MTA Travel $3,585 with cheque number 96 for prior month staff travel. In QB select Pay Bills’ Use Training Exercise transaction no. 5 as example.

19. July 29 Received $11,000 from Envisage Real Estate as payment on account. In QB select Receive Payments’. Use Training Exercise transaction no. 6 as example.

20. July 29 Kelda lodged her quarterly Business Activity Statement (GST return) and paid the June quarter net GST payable of $16,470 with cheque number 97. (This is GST Clearing account) In QB select Write Cheque’. Make the cheque out to ATO’.

21. July 30 Invoiced Devanti Electronics with Invoice Number AR875 for $15,015 (including GST $1,365) in respect to the design of a TV campaign. In QB select Invoices’. Use Training Exercise transaction no. 4 as example.

22. July 30 Paid the monthly telephone and internet expense with cheque number 98 for $858 (including GST $78). In QB select Write Cheque’. Make cheque out to Telephone and Internet Coy’, click Tab, Quick Add, Other.

23. July 30 Received and paid invoice number 1543 from Maxi Power for utilities expense for July with cheque number 99. The invoice totals $286 (including GST $26). In QB select Write Cheque’. Make the Cheque out to Maxi Power, click Tab, Quick Add, Other. Use NCG as Tax code.

24. July 31 Paid the monthly repayment relating to the ANZ bank loan of $744 with cheque number 100. (This cheque must be SPLIT between the interest expense of $336 and principal repayment of the current liability of the loan of $408) (Use 2 lines in the Cash Payments Journal). In QB select Write Cheque’. Make the Cheque out to ANZ Bank, click Tab, Quick Add, Other. Remember, you will have to split the cheque between Interest Expense and Loan Payable €“ Current Liability.

25. July 31 Record a general journal entry for $2,996 for the total PAYG tax withheld on the monthly wages. (Debit wages expense and credit PAYG Tax Payable). In QuickBooks click on Accountant (top toolbar) and select Make General Journal Entries’. Ensure that the box for Adjusting Entry’ is NOT checked. Prepare the entry using the first three columns (i.e. Account, Debit, and Credit). Use the Training Exercise adjusting entry as an example but ensure that the Adjusting entry box is NOT checked.

Prior to journalising the adjusting entries, we should check our work to date by reviewing a Trial Balance. Click on Reports (on the top toolbar), Accountant, Trial Balance, and select the to/From dates as 1/7/2013 and 31/7/2013, and click Refresh. If you have completed the entries correctly, then your trial balance will be identical to the trial balance on your Excel worksheet, with one exception. QuickBooks has debited/credited the GST that it automatically calculated to Tax Payable instead of GST Clearing. If we add the balances of the two accounts together they equal $4532 which is the correct amount.

Now pass journal entries for the adjustments. Refer to the example in the Training exercise. Remember to check the box for Adjusting Entry’ and to date all the entries 31/7/2013.
A ) Unearned Revenue

As at 31 July, Kelda has performed $18,750 of services for the new client that paid her in advance with a cash deposit, as noted in the transactions above on July 1. (GST has already been recorded).

B ) Insurance

Kelda prepaid 12 months of insurance as noted in the transactions above on July 1.

C ) Rent

Kelda prepaid 3 months of rent on June 30. (Refer Prepaid Rent general ledger account).

D ) Depreciation €“ Office Equipment

Depreciation on Office Equipment is calculated using the Straight Line Method over 5 years with $0 estimated residual value. Round calculation to the nearest dollar.

Note that the calculation is for 1 month only (i.e. July depreciation).
E ) Depreciation €“ Computer Equipment

Depreciation on Computer Equipment is calculated using the Straight Line Method over 4 years with $2,040 estimated residual value relating to the ing Computer Equipment. As noted in the business transactions above, Kelda also purchased a computer on July 1, which had a residual value of $0. Round calculation to the nearest dollar.

Note that the calculation is for 1 month only (i.e. July depreciation).

F) Superannuation Payable

Superannuation contributions to be accrued for July total $2,031.

G) Accrued Wages

Wages owing as at 31 July are $5,105.
H) Office Supplies Expense

On 31 July, Kelda performed a stocktake of her office supplies and noted that there was $1,420 of supplies remaining.
You will have to an account for Office Supplies Expense’. Using the Make General Journal Entries’ dialogue box type Office Supplies Expense’ in the Account’ section and hit Tab. Click Set-up, click Expense, Continue and Save and Close.

Now check your Adjusted Trial Balance €“ Go to Reports’, Accountant, Adjusted Trial Balance. It is not necessary to close the accounts.
Print the following reports for the period ending/as at 30 July 2013 to submit with your practice set:
€¢ Adjusted Trial Balance
€¢ Profit and Loss Statement
€¢ Balance Sheet