Use Kaplan’s and Cisneros’s readings to discuss what you learned about the Latino

history of latin america
May 9, 2020
May 9, 2020

Use Kaplan’s and Cisneros’s readings to discuss what you learned about the Latino


1. Use Kaplan’s and Cisneros’s readings to discuss what you learned about the Latino


? (A) Discuss two issues from each book that you found to be interesting and/or surprising.

Why? (5 pts.)

? (B) What kinds of insight did you gain from the stories in the two books? (5 pts.)

? Include one theory that helped you understand these groups’ experiences as discussed in

the two readings? (5 pts.)

? (C) How did the readings, lectures and class discussions changed or enhanced your

perspectives of this group. (5 pts.)

Long Essays. Worth 40 pts each. You are required to write two of the three essays.

2. Use the films, Gangs of New York and The New York Draft Riot to explain why and

how the Irish fought to overcome their oppressive situation. Include one theory that helps you

understand the experiences of Blacks and Irish. (40 pts.)

? Include why the Irish migrated to the U.S. What were the similarities and differences

between the Irish and Blacks in those early years? (15 pts.)

? Discuss four issues (2 for each group) that you learned about these immigrant groups

from the lecture, reading and class discussion. (8 pts. each group=16 pts.)

? Include two theories that helped you understand the experiences of these two groups.

(5 pts.)

? How did the readings, lectures and class discussions changed or enhanced your

perspectives of these groups? (4pts.)

3. Discuss Margaret Cho’s comedy routine regarding race and racism. 40 pts.

? Discuss three stereotypes she mentioned. (3 pts. each=9 pts.)

? How did she handle those stereotypes? (3 pts. each= 9 pts.)

? What impact did these experiences have on her self-esteem and her career? (2 pts.)

? What kind of insight did you gain from the film and reading about the model minority

stereotype? Include in your discussion Kohnblum=s Anglo-Conformity theory and how it

impacts on Asian and Mexican immigrants. (10 pts.)

? Include two examples each from the groups= experiences to support your argument. Is

this theory still relevant today? (3 pts. each =6 pts.)? Give one example from the lecture and readings to support your argument. (1 pt. each=2


? Include how the readings, lectures and class discussions changed or enhanced your

perspectives of these groups. (2 pts.)

4. After the midterm, you have had the opportunity to discuss several topical

issues concerning the discrimination faced by racial/ethnic groups. 40 pts.

? Discuss the issue you found to be most interesting or compelling and why. Include

two theories discussed in class or reading that help you understand their experiences.

(12 pts. each = 24 pts.)

? Discuss three points you learned from the discussion. (3 x 3 pts.= 9 pts.)

? Include how the lecture, discussion and reading changed or enhanced your thinking

about the issues? (4 pts.)

? What can you do to change these conditions? ( 3 pts.)