Use book content to explain 5 video; How Jeans are made : (For example keywords: quality control, mess production)

Business Law-Cotton farmers in Brazil
May 23, 2020
Selling Security to the Organization
May 23, 2020

Use book content to explain 5 video; How Jeans are made : (For example keywords: quality control, mess production)


giben les pauls: (key words:time control , critical pass, moisture control€¦)


Project description

Use key words in our book €“ operation management (bold keywords in book)

To explain what kind of operating management in our book they use in the video.Each video should more than 120 words

How Jeans are made : (For example keywords: quality control, mess production)

how skateboards made:


giben les pauls: (key words:time control , critical pass, moisture control€¦)
