Use a branch diagram to predict the offspring of cross

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April 20, 2020

Use a branch diagram to predict the offspring of cross

Imagine a rabbit. A conejo. Its coat color is controlled by several loci, among them the C locus. C has several alleles; three of them are: C = full color (“chestnut agouti”), cch = chinchilla; c = albino. C is dominant to cch or c; cch is dominant to c; c is recessive to the other alleles. Another gene called dilute (d) lightens each of these colors to give light chestnut or light chinchilla; albinos are always albino. Let’s mate a wild-type colored rabbit whose genotype is Cc,Dd by a chinchilla rabbit whose genotype is cchc,Dd. Use a branch diagram to predict the offspring of this cross. Clearly indicate all the phenotypes of the progeny.