US foreign policy towards the Middle East from the Eisenhower Doctrine to the Carter Doctrine: what changes and continuities?Order Descriptionessay. the question that you need to develop is :US foreign policy towards the Middle East from the Eisenhower Doctrine to the Carter Doctrine: what changes and continuities?essay rules: Length: 5,000 words approximately (14/15 pages), footnotes and bibliography included.
Plagiarism: if caught plagiarizing sources (Wikipedia included), you will automatically fail the assignment and receive an ethics warning.
Goal: to provide a both historic and historiographical analysis: a detailed empirical reconstruction of the main events and the leading characters plus a critical interpretation of the facts and of the overall context. Essays lacking both aspects will be considered insufficient.
Bibliography: a minimum of 6 references, must be both first and secondary sources.
Manifest and repeated grammatical mistakes, as well as a poor sentence construction, will negatively affect the grade.