Urbanization and Foreign Aid

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Urbanization and Foreign Aid

Urbanization and Foreign Aid

Paper instructions:
Use the Internet to research one (1) developing nation of your choice. Your research should include an examination of urbanization and foreign aid, war and peace.

Compare and contrast three (3) positive and three (3) negative results of urbanization within the developing country that you have selected. Support your response with concrete examples of each of the results that you have cited.
Analyze the specific actions that the leadership of the selected country has taken, through the use of its foreign aid from donor nations and international lending institutions, to relieve the severe problems caused by urbanization.
Discuss whether or not the efforts to reduce urbanization problems within the selected country through the use of foreign aid were successful. Support your response with examples.
Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.