Unit VIII (E-Commerce) Attn: wuodanyango

Hi can you please help me with the following Discussion Question?
July 14, 2020
A key point from the Mastering Virtual Teams text is that team management is based on the task. In addition, the text defines seven kinds of virtual t
July 14, 2020

Unit VIII (E-Commerce) Attn: wuodanyango

Research Paper


Write a three to five page research paper, in APA format, with a minimum of three references. References may include Internet sources, books, and professional journals, or resources related to the profession. Title page and reference page are not included in the required paper length.


The topic should be related to e-commerce or topics covered in this course. Prior topic approval by your professor is required in Unit III.


ï‚· Write on a topic related to the course materials that has been particularly interesting to you, in a well-organized

and thoughtful three to five page research paper. Your sources should present different perspectives.


ï‚· Write a paper related to starting an online business or initiating an e-commerce project (i.e. funding, writing

business plans).  Be sure your paper has at least the following components:


ï‚· Title Page


 Introduction – State the thesis and purpose of your research paper clearly. What is the chief reason you are

writing the paper? State also how you plan to approach your topic. Is this a factual report, a book review, a

comparison, or an analysis of a problem? Explain briefly the major points you plan to cover in your paper, and

why readers should be interested in your topic.


 Body – This is where you present your arguments to support your thesis statement


 Conclusion – Restate or reword your thesis. Summarize your arguments. Explain why you have come to this

particular conclusion.