unit 5: scholarly activity Academic Essay

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unit 5: scholarly activity Academic Essay

using the textbook Practical strategies for technical communication (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s by Markel, M. (2016) for reference. Create a short recommendation report to recommend a solution to a company’s problem or a product that you know well. For example, you might create a recommendation report to recommend that your company change a policy or a procedure, or you might make a recommendation for purchasing new equipment. The subject of your report can be fictional.
Your recommendation report should follow these guidelines:
1. Include the following: a title page, an abstract, an introduction, methods, conclusion, and recommendations. You can also choose to add other elements if you feel they are necessary.
2. The report should consist of at least four pages, including the title page.
Outside sources are not required for this assignment. However, if you use information from an outside source, it should be cited correctly using APA format, and a reference page should be added in addition to the four pages that are required for this assignment.
There is an example recommendation report that includes all of the required sections beginning on page 362 of your textbook. As you edit your work, use the “Writer’s Checklist” on page 384 in the textbook to ensure the effectiveness of your report.

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Posted on May 5, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions