Read the PPI, Chapters 13 & 14 (files uploaded). Scenario: Charlie’s week-long investigations into documentation seem to him to have lasted longer. Documentation does not excite him, while Suzanne cheerfully informs him that she is enjoying herself while investigating the new trends in software availability and APIs. Charlie immediately perks up when he hears the focus of this week’s testing, implementation, and deployment. Suzanne has learned not to get between Charlie and the door when he gets excited! As Suzanne watches Charlie race down the hallway, she has to admit to herself that determining the best plan for testing, implementation, and deployment could be exciting. 1. Describe what 1 test data (system tests, stress tests, or user acceptance test) is needed to perform the various types of tests presented in the scenario. 2. Describe who conducts tests and who needs to be involved. Discuss what kind of re-testing is required and discuss how do you handle ripple effects in a test plan and process. Note: Do not write introduction & conclusion. Answer in your own words or paraphrase your work. You can research on the Internet or books/journals & you can add additional references.
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions