Understanding Street Youth in Winnipeg

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Understanding Street Youth in Winnipeg

Understanding Street Youth in Winnipeg

mention the article and authors name. Provide a little context about the author and text. Who is the intended audience for the article? State the authors purpose in writing this article, briefly state his or her main argument. State your thesis about the text. What do you think of this article and why?
summarize the text in paragraph. Explain the argument of this text, as well as its purpose. What change did the writer want to make in the mind of his readers? What action did she want the readers to take?


analyze how the argument works. How well did the author consider possible counterarguments? were the logical steps persuasive?
focus on the politics of the text, where you treat the text as an attempt to persuade members of the discipline or the public to view an issue in a particular way. Consider how else this problem/topic could have been analyzed. Do you think this article took the right perspective on this problem?Is addressing this audience an appropriate way to tackle the problem discussed in the atricle? Is this worth making?
sum up your perspective on this article. What did you think of this atricle, both of how well it was argued and of whether it took the right approach to this problem. Suggest what further research is needed in this area