Types of dementia Academic Essay

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Types of dementia Academic Essay

Increasingly, different types of dementia are becoming prominent in society as a whole. Discuss the impact this is having on mainstream society.

“Increasingly, different types of dementia are becoming prominent in society as a whole. Discuss the impact this is having on mainstream society.”

What I need in my essay as well is current journal articles (peer reviewed). This 1,000 word essay is to be written in Australian English and refer to dementia as a whole (NOT specific types of dementia) and to use APA6 style
Ten references (journals) would be good. No direct quoting please.
I don’t require a cover page and I don’t require content page or subheadings – THESE ARE NOT REQUIRED
If you are able to a graph would be good but not necessary
I need an introduction paragraph, three to four body paragraphs and conclusion. The introduction should not be more than 70 words and each body paragraph around 200-250 words and conclusion around 120 words or so total 1,000 but you can go over by 10 percent

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Posted on May 22, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions