Type a letter addressing what you learned/gained/achieved

Impact of Correctional Theories and Punishment
June 13, 2020
Fashion Event Management
June 14, 2020

Type a letter addressing what you learned/gained/achieved

  • Type a letter to me addressing what you learned/gained/achieved in this class.  This 2-3 page typewritten note is a reflective self-evaluation of your writing practice over the course of the unit.  How has your writing changed?  Your reading?
  • What do you like about your work?  What don’t you like?  What have you been struggling with?  Have you had any breakthroughs?  How have you seen your writing improve over the course of the term?
  • Also, discuss the review process and how it helped your develop your work.
  • What is your general response to the course?  The texts?  The assignments?  The instructor?  The online components?
  • Looking back over the semester, what do you wish you had done differently?
  • Be specific.  Be articulate.  Be thoughtful.  Be honest.