Synopsis on a case study of colorectal cancer
October 9, 2020
Managing Hospitality Issues simulation
October 9, 2020

Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Type 2 diabetes mellitus
How the disease is diagnosed, including symptoms and tests.
Prevention of the disease.
Its treatment – including all available drug classes and their mechanisms of action.
At least three complications of the disease and any possible drug treatments for these complications.
This week you will put the finishing touches on your paper on type 2 diabetes mellitus that you began in Week 9.

The description of the disease.
Causes and risk factors of the disease.
How the disease is diagnosed, including symptoms and tests.
Prevention of the disease.
Its treatment – including all available drug classes and their mechanisms of action.
Complications of the disease and any possible drug treatments.
Grading Rubric for the Week 11 Individual Work 2 Assignment

Total Points Possible: 80

How the disease is diagnosed, including symptoms and tests
-3 different symptoms discussed and 3 separate tests discussed
Prevention of the disease
-at least 2 preventive measures discussed


Its treatment – including all available drug classes and their mechanisms of action
-discuss at least 4 drug classes used and their mechanisms of action (any type of insulin counts as just one class of drug – you should also address some of the oral and other injectable hypoglycemic agents)


Complications of the disease and any possible drug treatment
-at least 3 complications and their drug treatments discussed. These should be long term complications such as diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, renal failure, or cardiovascular complications, along with the medication therapies used.


APA Formatting Followed – Separate title and reference pages, along with the body of your paper; in-text citations included for all paraphrased areas of your paper; reference page in APA format


Proper Mechanics (proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure) – you are encouraged to also perform your own proofreading after you use your spell/grammar checker.
Outsource or insource R&D

Case Study #3: Feed R&D – or Farm it out? submit an extended analysis of this case by Nitin Nohria et al. HBR JulAug 2005.?

Feed R&D or Farm it out? Nitin Nohria et al. HBR
• Review the strategic issues presented in the case.

• Discuss the key issues management needs to consider in deciding whether to support an in-house R&D function or outsource all Research & Development.

• Discuss the implications of outsourcing R&D for middle managers.
From read ch 3 of Chitty & Black (Professional Nursing concepts and challenges) Choose the scholar you found most interesting and write a 3 pg paper comparing nursing to the criteria listed by your chosen scholar. Abraham Flexnor pg 60; Richard Hall pg 61; Bixler and Bixler’s pg 65. The following must be included in paper: 1)Name of scholar and their criteria. 2) Each point identified as identified by scholar is compared to nursing. 3) Provide rationale as to why you chose that particular scholar’s mode