There are three sections to this assignment. Please use subheadings to clearly identify each part. The three sections are:
1. Tweet Summary and Highlights. State the Twitter handle (i.e., identification) that you used for this course. You will also report the total number of tweets that you posted with the course hash-tag during the semester as well as the total number of your interaction activities according to the categories of replies, re-tweets and favourites. This section should be half a page maximum
2. Tweet Report. Report your top 7 tweets as they appear on your Twitter account. I have provided an example of how this visual information should be provided at the end of this table. This section should be 4 pages maximum.

3. Self-Reflection. Share your 2 lessons/insights from participating in this online community that are relevant to the fashion industry, social media use and/or education. Your lessons should be concise but thoughtful. This section should be 1 page maximum.
Formatting Guidelines
Your report will be 6 pages in total (plus a title page on which you state your name, Twitter handle and student ID number). Use subheadings to identify each section. All text must be in 12-point Times New Roman font and single-spaced with 1-inch margins.