Trust-related argument in internet stores

Juvenile Justice- Intermediate Sanctions
May 16, 2020
visual advertising sequence
May 16, 2020

Trust-related argument in internet stores

Trust-related argument in internet stores

Kim and Benbasat which I have already used in my research, my research title is (the reason for using of

online shopping of student college).  the instructions for Formative Annotated Bibliography will be

given. The reference for the source is
Kim, D. and Benbasat, I., 2003. Trust-related argument in internet stores: A framework for evaluation.

Journal of electronic commerce research, 4(2), Pp49-64.
So, what you going to do is just do Formative Annotated Bibliography for the source of Kim and

Benbasat by following the instructions down. If there any question you want to ask just let me know.

Formative Annotated Bibliography
Put the reference source here. Use the format for a print journal article.
In this section, you should say why you selected this source for reading:
€¢    how relevant it is to your task
€¢    how academic/reliable it is
In this section, you should summarize the main points of the article.
Strengths: Here you should write what the strengths of the source are.
Weaknesses: Here you should write what the weaknesses of the source are.
Relevance to task: Here you should write how you could use the information in the source for your

assignment.  You should also state whether you have decided to use the source or not.
Final notes:
€¢    All of the text in red must be deleted.
€¢    Each of the 3 main sections (selection, summary and evaluation) should be roughly between

200 and 250 words.  This means a total of between 600 and 750 words for those 3 sections.  The total for

my sample Annotated Bibliography (minus the reference) is 725 words.  If you are slightly above or

below these totals, don’t worry!  There is no fixed word limit for this task; the above figures are meant

as a guideline.