Trent University Econ 1010H Introductory Microeconomics Spring15 ARVIN

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Trent University Econ 1010H Introductory Microeconomics Spring15 ARVIN

Trent University €“ Econ 1010H €“ Introductory Microeconomics €“ Spring15 €“ ARVIN


PART ONE €“ How Much Do I Use?

Assignment €“ Check the wattage ratings for five appliances that you use on a regular basis (example T.V., toaster, hair dryer, washing machine, etc.)

On the bottom or back you will find, for example:

VOLTS €“ 110/115

WATTS €“ 750



Ignore everything except watts €“ this # is the key to energy consumption.  Once you find the watts, estimate how long you use this item each day (calculate for a 24 hour period.)  I suggest not using your refrigerator as one of the five because you will need to stand there for several hours to see when and for how long it runs€¦

Average cost per KWH is 10 cents. (NOTE €“ rates vary spatially, and some regions now charge far more than what is estimated.  The intent of this lab is for you to learn how to calculate, so you may simply use the guidelines provided, or for a very accurate assessment you may want to check with your provider and use the exact KWH charge for your home.  Also, this link provides average cost per state as of 2011 )

Example: Hair dryer uses 2000 watts €“ that’s 2 KW per hour.  You use it for 15 minutes per day, 1/4 hour, that’s ½ KW per day.  At cost per KWH of either 7 or 10 cents, it either costs you 3.5 or 5 cents per day.

After you’ve figured out how much it costs per day, then figure out the cost per month (take cost per day and multiply by how many times it’s used in a month) then figure it out for the year (multiply by 12.)


Wattage Rating €”- KW-Hours of Electricity

10         €”           1/100

25         €”           1/40

40         €”           1/25

60         €”           3/50

100         €”           1/10

150         €”           3/20

200         €”           1/5

300         €”          3/10

500         €”           1/2

750         €”           3/4

1000         €”           1

1500         €”           1-1/2

2000         €”           2

KW Hours conversion if you use your calculator€¦€¦€¦.

1/100 = .01

1/40 = .025

1/25 = .04

3/50 = .06

1/10 = .10

3/20 = .15

1/5 = .20

3/10 = .30

½ = .50

3/4 = .75

1 = 1.0

1-1/2 = 1.5

2 = 2

5 = 5

Calculate for five (5) appliances for each time period specified above and submit to instructor in a Word or WordPerfect document using the Writing Guidelines specified for all labs for this class.  Also include in your report of these five appliances, your reactions to your findings?  Did any surprise you?  Will you alter your appliance usage? (the reaction portion should be approximately 1 page.)

PART TWO €“ What is the World Using?

Alternate sources of energy, especially renewable sources, are gaining in popularity, especially in light of increased demand and declining availability of non-renewable resources.  You will research current trends.

1st €“ Research, using print and/or electronic sources, the world leaders in the following renewable, alternative energy sources.  Briefly (1-2 paragraphs each) describe the leaders (which countries) and important characteristics/practices you found most interesting, for:





2nd €“ Research the United States and report on development and current trends/statistics with respect to these four types of renewable energy resources listed above.  How much energy is used in the United States and how much of these energy needs is produced domestically and how much is imported?  Where is the United States, with respect to developing renewable sources of energy?  (This portion should be 1-2 pages.)

REMINDER €“ Don’t forget to document your research sources in a complete bibliography, cite in-paper, and per all labs, refer to the checklist for potential full credit.

Checklist to ensure potential full credit on this and all research-based labs:

Did you include a cover page?
Did you meet the minimum length requirements?
Did you cite your research in the paper correctly?
Is your bibliography correctly formatted?
Did you answer the questions correctly?
Is it obvious that you have read the required readings to date (including the introduction to this module, the textbook reading and the introduction above) before completing this lab?
Did you follow the instructions for saving your document?