Examine Important Court Cases
October 16, 2020
Theoretical Frameworks
October 16, 2020

Trauma-related Counseling

It seems every newspaper, news broadcast, and news story contains some discussion of a crisis situation, natural or man-made disaster, or trauma-causing event. These crises and disasters can occur on an individual scale (such as abuse) or on societal scale (such as a school bombing or a tsunami). Experiences such as these are not new. However, the focus on these experiences from a mental health standpoint is new. Mental health counselors have pivotal roles in working with those who are impacted by crises, disasters, and other trauma causing events, be it as a first line responder, disaster mental health volunteer, trauma counselor, and/or trainer/consultant.

Give an analysis of why natural and man-made disasters, crises, and other trauma-causing events have become a focus of the mental health counseling profession and the implications of this focus on mental health counselors and on the profession itself. Be sure to support your analysis with references.