Transgender surgical sex reassignment

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Transgender surgical sex reassignment

Transgender surgical sex reassignment

1) Choose one of the following topics that create controversy in society.
a. Pre-marital sex c. Transgender surgical sex reassignment
b. Extra-marital sex d. Gay/lesbian families/marriage
2) Choose a country from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, or South America
3) Find 3 peer-reviewed research articles from the GCU Library on the topic and country of your choice. Articles must have a methods, results, and discussion section.
4) Complete an annotated bibliography for each article. Each annotation should be 250-300 words. Be sure to provide the annotation in APA format.
5) Review you annotations and write a brief (250-500) critical review of your findings answering the following questions.
a. Did all articles agree on the topic chosen?
b. Did the country chosen appear to have values other than what you perceive that American’s have?
c. What points of conflict existed between the articles
d. What opportunities exist for additional research to better understand the topic in the country chosen.
6)Attach in one drop-box file (1) your annotated bibliography (2) each of your research articles. You will have 4 attachments to one submission.
a) Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
b) Submit the assignment to TurnItIn. The amount of quoted material in the report should be 20% or less.