Training & Development Philosophy Research Paper
Describe three theories (models or principles) that you believe are foundational to the field of training and articulate your personal philosophy of training as based on the three theories. You will submit a draft for review, and then modify your paper and resubmit it.
1. Choose theories or theorists who best describe your personal philosophy of training and development.
For each theory:
A. Identify the founding theorists and/or major proponents
B. Time period in which the theory emerged
C. How learning occurs based on the theory
D. The role of the instructor
E. The role of the learner
2. Describe your personal philosophy of training and learning based on the theories.
Title page Provides the title of the paper, the author’s name, institutional affiliation, and date.
Table of Contents- Lists section headings and page numbers
Abstract This is a brief summary of the content of the paper. A good abstract should not exceed 960 characters or 120 words.
Introduction Introduces the purpose of the paper. There is no heading label for the introduction.
Literature review-Describes the literature related to the training and development models and theories. This may be in one section or interspersed throughout the paper.
Philosophy-States your philosophy of training and development as it has been formed by the theories.