Incorporate the use of new methodologies from the knowledge-economy management approach that might be appropriate for this organization.
Correlate recent research findings regarding strategy management into your approach.
Synthesize operational and financial components in your strategic planning process.
Incorporate your findings from your current environment analysis.
Preface your newly revised strategic plan with the core assumptions regarding environmental opportunities and threats, organizational strengths and weaknesses, and organizational behavior dynamics that are foundational to the strategy.
Determine the organizational structure that best facilitates the strategy—functional, divisional, or matrix.
Include a brief description of the proposed strategy that reflects the choices made regarding:
Product domain.
Market domain.
Level of investment in the respective product and market domains.
Positioning approach for achieving competitive advantage.
Maneuvers that will be used to implement the positioning approach.
Distinctive competencies or assets that will be relied on to gain and sustain competitive advantage.
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Posted on May 4, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions