social policy
June 10, 2020
Immigration in The US – Continuation
June 10, 2020

Tourism Field Visit

Tourism Field Visit

Order Description

•As new product developers for a special interest Independent Tour operator, you are required to develop a new product aimed at a specific market segment. The key aim of this is to encourage you to take a tourism industry based approach to designing holiday products that can be promoted and sold to the UK market.
•You are required to produce a 15 minute presentation to pitch your ideas to the Manager of the Product Development Department for a short break tour, approximately 3 days in length, from the UK to Barcelona and Catalonia, targeted at this market segment:
o Gastronomy/food & wine enthusiasts
•To support the presentation you should produce briefing notes (1500 words max) and this should include
o Market analysis on the characteristics and viability of the chosen market segment
o Suggested daily itineraries including specific venues, accommodation, attractions and the activities involved
o An attempt at costing the elements of the tour and a projected price of the tour
o Ideas on how to market the tour
o Any potential environmental and social impacts that might be caused by the tour and consideration made for them.
Also for the 3 days itineraries, it needs to be presented as a table format which shows the schedule for each day