Toulmin Argument outline and analysis Academic Essay
August 18, 2020
perspective in the fashion body Academic Essay
August 18, 2020

Toulmin Argument outline and analysis

Toulmin Argument outline and analysis

Project description
The Reader is dating easier when it is conducted online? What are the advan-
tages and disadvantages of this approach? T H
A ‘former Hollywood agent, Christine Hassler is the author of the book. Twenty-Something.
1 always thought dating online what your friends think? And they are prob-
was for desperate, older people, but ably doing it toot,
new that I’m finding 1 Can meet 4 Think about it this way: what do
imybedy’ rm actually Consldehmg you gain by trying online dating. and what
it rnyselit Ami crazy or pathetic for
considering it? And I’m afraid to tell do you 1056 by not ”Y1_n3 it‘ BY riot attempt‘
my triends. Should I keep it a secret ing it. you get to remain safe behind your
to hide my shame? I just think I’1′I1 concept of regular dating, which by your own
303113 10 {€91 like 3 1°53‘ if lieu 136°‘ admission. has become undesirable. Or you
P13 that I met Someone mime‘ can try online dating and open yourself up
Oflim D‘‘3‘Ph‘‘b‘’ 25′ A‘‘ to the possibilities. Just be cautious. Be smart
ear Onfing Da[mg-phObic_ and careful about what iniormation you post,
2 . It’s a bit scary, but true: human con- who YOU ENE Vo111′ D€f5oT131Co11l3CFiUfoF‘

nections are either replaced or initiated IIIHUDH Eo. afld Whfirfi and Whfifl YOU THEE?

b internet connections. We now live in someone for the first time I recommend

a different age of emails instead of letters, a’I”t€H100Â¥1 Co366 H1 a VEIY public place)-

text [messages instead of phone calls, and 5 A150, 01111118 dating lS]f1″[ only fO1‘ pEil;i1{:‘tlC
Facebook mending” and ”pQki{1g” are seen or older people, so you can let that go. Here’s
as a real relationship bond. Everytliing we some insight from Adam Sachs, Co-fourldfil”
do from finding a job to finding a friend of the group dating site ignighter.Co1n: I can
seems to have an online component, so no see how young people would. look at the
need to be ashamed for wanting to broaden corwentional online dating sites and think
your circle, for friendship or dating, by tal<- that going on one of those dates would make
ing advantage of the myriad of possibilities them feel like a loser or desperate. iwas once
brought to you by the world wide web-just like that too! There’s nothing organic about
don’t rely on it Completely. creating your own blind date. And there’s

3 The stigma against online dating, par- nothing fun about either. What’s natural and
ticularly for twenty-soinethings, is really fun 15 meeting new people in the company
lmfisulflse <?SP€C1a1ly because you are the of your social circle. That’s why we created
generation that founded socially networking IgT11ghter.Con1. It’s a groupetdgroup dating

15(1) glijllilltefgpcebook and Myspace. You are site. a way for you and your friends to meet
in Cu? H a Pgf 5011 to date. Someone to be another group of friends in an environment
Y 1 e an no one else s. so who cares that 15 safer, less awkward, and more fun.”
L-Dbigital Dating: DespL’i‘a1io1i or Necessity? by Christine Hasslcr, lrorn Hzlfiingrnrz Post‘, November 18, 2008. Copyright
2003 by Christine Hassler. Used by permission of [he author.