Topic: Write a critical evaluation of ensuring quality care in perioperatives

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Topic: Write a critical evaluation of ensuring quality care in perioperatives

Order Description
This assessment contributes to your learning by assisting you to critically evaluate relevant literature on a topic which relates to your clinical and professional practice and that will extend/advance your professional development and clinical expertise. Within the critical evaluation, you are asked to consider the implications on practice, service delivery and patient outcomes.
Task description
For this assessment you are required to write a critical evaluation of anyone of the topics from your course modules:

Ensuring quality care;

The essay should be 2000 words.

1. Clearly identify the topic you have chosen at the beginning of your paper (in the introductory paragraph).

2. Critically evaluate your identified topic – this means to literally pull it apart – consider the literature and what it means – develop arguments for and against the main issues – there are always two sides to every argument.

3. Presenting multiple aspects demonstrates your ability to think laterally and critically.

4. What are the significant issues related to this issue and why have they occurred?

5. What role do perioperative nurses play in this process – consider the nursing role in your topic area and how does this relate to the interdisciplinary health care team and the patient.

6. Relate the identified issues to either patient outcomes or impact on staff.

7. Identify and discuss factors that either impinge upon or enhance the process, issue or practice.

8. Support all aspects of your work with reference to the current evidence- based (research) practice and professional literature on this topic. Minimum 15 references.

Critically evaluate your identified topic. To evaluate means weigh up and discuss the strengths and/or weaknesses of something – in essence, you are asked to make a judgement about something. This judgement must be supported, using valid material (theories, models, academic articles etc.) as evidence. In this task you are asked to evaluate current practices, approaches and, if relevant, issues in your chosen topic.

This assignment is to be submitted electronically through Turnitin. The assignment should be 2000 words in length. Assignment coversheet needs to be included in your assignment as a first page (without this your assignment will not be accepted). Marking, moderation and student feedback will be provided electronically based on the below marking criteria, which is in accordance with University assessment policy.
Due Date:
Submission via Turnitin within the course Learning@Griffith site by MN, 22nd April 2016.
You will be assessed on your ability to:
– Present the critical evaluation in a logical manner
– Analyse and integrate findings from relevant literature into the essay’
– Demonstrate an understanding of the topic
– Present the strengths and limitations of the literature and identifies areas for improvement where required
For a more in-depth criteria, look at the following marking criteria.
Other elements:

• Use APA 6th edition for the reference list;
• Ensure that your references have been published within the last 5 years unless specific seminal references;
• Provide a clear introduction and conclusion;
• Always refer to the marking criteria, this will assist you in calculating the length of sections in your essay.
• Cut and paste an Assignment Coversheet with complete declaration and word count (excl references)
• Type: Assignment – Critical Evaluation of the Literature
• Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Due Date: by MN, 22nd April 2016.
Weight: 40%