Topic: Women, Culture and Society: Study of Gender

Queer as an Area of Research in Sociology: Critical Examination of How Current Research and Thinking in Queer Theory Relates to Older Traditions in So
September 4, 2020
Topic: How to manage a geographically dispersed team
September 4, 2020

Topic: Women, Culture and Society: Study of Gender

Paper details:

Critical Analysis
Using the Critical Analysis Guidelines found in the Additional Resources section of the syllabus complete a critical analysis of one of the following articles. You can locate the articles using University’s online library, the Internet, or your local Library.

Beyond Gender Schemas: Improving the Advancement of women in Academia. NWSA Journal, 16 (1) 2004.

Your final analysis should be 2 – 3 pages in length. Your response should incorporate terminology and concepts presented in the primary textbook as well as supplementary resources. Each paragraph should be written in complete sentences with attention paid to good grammar and spelling. Please double-space, use 12 point font, with one inch margins. Be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text authors. You should be doing this often in your responses.

Course Text:

Sapiro, V. (2003). Women in American society: An introduction to women’s studies. (5th ed. ). McGraw Hill Companies. 0-7674-1639-2