Topic: MBA executive / MBA studies why is it important for the value of MBA qualification to have previous management experience?
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Topic: WEEK4

Topic: WEEK4

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Writing Prompt:
Imagination, Past and Present and Sir Ken Robinson’s talk, how important do you think imagination and creativity are in our school system?
Thinking back on your own experiences as a student in a K-12 classroom, write about a a class or teacher that encouraged creativity and imagination €“ how was this

Write about an experience in the k-12 classroom that killed creativity.
What are some of the ways imagination and creativity can be encouraged across the curriculum?

Sir Ken Robinson How schools kill creativity Ted Talk:

K-12 is Kindergarten to grade,
and i finish K-12 in china, so i just write some experiences about myself, so could you please use your good grammar to write it again for me, thank you so much,

and I don’t need any references and please use sample words and sentences and grammar. thx.

my experience about creativity:

All my K-12 classes taken in Chinese school. When I was in my elementary school, there were an art teacher who were very nice and encourage creativity and

imagination. She always gave us a topic, and then let us to drew whatever we want. When we finished our painting everyone need to talk about it. I remember that

no matter we were drew a good, bad or strange paining, she always said that is good, and I like it. She does not impose anything to us and encourage us use our

imagination to create more and more paintings. When I was in high school, my chemistry teacher who was a very preciseness and strict person. She always let us do

the homework must follow her way,