Topic: Understanding Systems

Afirmative action programs
October 4, 2020
October 4, 2020

Topic: Understanding Systems

Order Description
It is important to understand both theories of systems and practical application of having a vision of a healthy system.
Assignment Instructions, Part 1:
. Develop a visual presentation (Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote, etc.), using no more than 10 slides, to explain the systems approach.
. Use visuals (not just words) to get your point across.
. Short example videos are permissible.

Assignment Orientation and Description, Part 2:
. Application of Text.
Assignment Instructions, Part 2:
. In 1,100 words, answer the following questions from the readings of your textbook Healthy Congregations: A Systems Approach:

Chapter 1
. Describe a system in your family.
. Describe a system in your church.
. Use an example of how a change in one system of your church affects another system in your church.
. Describe a problem or situation your church is facing.
. Be prepared to give a 15-minute presentation in week 2 face-to-face session about your church system and a description of the problem you are facing.

Chapter 2
. Give a summary of the ten principles.
. What is the brain of your congregation? Explain.

Chapter 3
. What major life changes and chronic conditions has your congregation experienced?
. Construct a genogram for your congregation.

TEXTBOOK: Dates Active: 1/1/1900-1/1/2099
Title: Healthy Congregations
Author: Peter L. Steinke
Edition/ 2
Publisher: Rowman & ittlefield Publishers, Incorporated
ISBN: 9781566993302

My congregation has no relationship with each other even though they are a family church. You have one or two families who tries to run the church. But you can work it the way you see fit.