Topic: Tourism and economis(( How can we protect the tourism sector in Arabs country especially in Lebanon when we have a security and economic issues

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Topic: Tourism and economis(( How can we protect the tourism sector in Arabs country especially in Lebanon when we have a security and economic issues

Order DescriptionA Dissertation Proposal about Tourism and economies.
Subject:(( How can we protect the tourism sector in Arabs country especially in Lebanon when we have a security and economic issues(i mean not stable))).and should provide a clear answers to the following questions:1. What is the topic of your dissertation?2. Why is this topic important?3. What problem(s) will it help to solve?4. Why do you think you can deal with this topic?5. What previous knowledge do you have on this topic?6. What research is already available on this topic? (you dont need to provide much detail, but a general knowledge of the field is welcome)7. What are your expectations regarding the thesis, your work and the work of supervisor?
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