The MAPP model
May 14, 2020
african american children
May 14, 2020

Topic: Sport Management

Topic: Sport Management

Order Description

1- you should to use this book

REQUIRED TEXTS: Nagel, M. and Southall, R. (2010). Introduction to Sport Management: Theory and Practice. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. Street & Smith’s Sport Business Journal. Details for ordering your subscription will be provided at first class meeting.

answer the shot essay 16-17

SPT 111
Multiple Choices
1. Which of the 4 ethical frameworks focuses on consent or agreement?
a.    Utilitarianism
b.    Deontological
c.    Social Contract
d.    Ethics of Care

2. Which of the following rules are stated in the book to be in the sport-management ethics’ manual?
a.    Scrutinize your motives
b.    Get the facts straight.
c.    Take into consideration virtues, duties and consequences.
d.    All of these are stated as rules.

3.  Which of the following is a defense against negligence?
a.    Damages
b.    Assumption of Risk
c.    to act negligent back to the defendant
d.    there are no defenses against negligence

4. Which of the following addresses gender equity in high school and college athletics?
a.    Title VII
b.    Americans with Disabilities Act
c.    Title IX
d.    Equal Pay Act

5. According to the textbook, which amendment has been used to argue the unconstitutionality of athlete drug-testing protocols?
a.    First
b.    Fourth
c.    Fifth
d.    Fourteenth

6.  Which of the following is NOT one of the common liability issues regarding participants?
a.    Lack of supervision
b.    Quality of supervision
c.    Safe use of equipment
d.    Proper insurance of participants

7. Which of the following is NOT a clause found in the 1st Amendment to the constitution?
a.    Due Process Clause
b.    Establishment Clause
c.    Free Exercise Clause
d.    Freedom of Expression Clause

8. A marketing orientation is an orientation toward:

a.    aggressive selling and promotions
b.    producing and distributing the highest possible quantity of goods at the lowest possible cost
c.    superior product quality and design
d.    identifying and satisfying customer needs and wants
e.    none of the above

9. In its failed attempt, the XFL tried to establish itself in consumers’ minds as representing a certain type of football, somewhat different than that offered by the NFL.  Specifically, it featured fewer rules designed to control player behavior and appearance and promoted itself as a more aggressive brand of football.  Clearly, the XFL tried to establish itself in consumers’ minds as occupying a distinct place in the football market.  This is an example of what is called:

a.    market segmentation
b.    self-actualization
c.    organizational culture
d.    positioning
e.    I have no clue

10. From the perspective of a sport sponsor, leveraging a sport sponsorship is a term used to describe:

a.    negotiating the lowest price possible for their sponsorship
b.    getting the greatest amount and most visible signage space possible for each sponsorship dollar spent
c.    a method of financing the cost of a sponsorship
d.    utilizing various marketing strategies to improve sponsor value
e.    all of the above describe sport sponsorship leveraging

True or False

11.  T/F: Negligence law is a part of tort law dealing with intentional conduct that falls above a standard established by law for the protection of others against unreasonable risk of harm.

Fill in the Blank:

12. The formal blueprint that marketers follow in the execution of their marketing strategy is called a                 .

13. The personal commitment and emotional involvement customers have with a sports organization is termed                      .

14. Financial bonding and              bonding are two primary components of a marketing strategy termed              marketing, which is defined as marketing with the conscious aim to develop and manage long-term and/or trusting relationships with customers, distributors, suppliers, or other parties in the marketing environment.

15. Distribution is defined as________________________.


16. Define and describe each of the bases of market segmentation that were discussed in the chapter.  For each basis, provide an example (either real or hypothetical) of a sport property using that basis to segment the market.

17. What are the primary roles of the sports information director? What are the primary methods the SID utilizes to distribute information?