Topic: Concepts of Spatial Planning
August 30, 2020
Work Innovation Network (WIN) and Productive Learning Academic Essay
August 30, 2020

Topic: Research

Order Description
Dear Parvaz,

I have carefully read your proposal and your cv.

I am not a big fun of regional studies as their external validity is limited. At least I would try to extend it to similar emerging countries and not only Asia.

Also, as you plan to use questionnaires, are you familiar with structural equation models? At PhD level you can’t simply show correlations and basic statistics. A network analysis might also be good in your case. In a nutshell, in the PhD, we need people that are able to work with big data.
In sum, I would like you to send me two or three papers related to your topic (may be among your references) that are published in “solid” journals that you want to target at and tell me more on the methodology.

Consider that the proposal has to be longer and stronger (occasional there are even some typos). The degree with a 2.1 is decent but you have to show that a PhD level you are willing to put an extensive effort.

