Topic: Assignment 2
September 27, 2020
Science and Materials
September 28, 2020

Topic: Reflection essay

Order Description
Strict APA6th style

For this reflection, I want you to write essay thinking as a nursing student doing his final placement in an ICU.
Intro (200) (Use references here)
What is reflection and the importance of reflection?
Importance of reflection to student nurses.
Advantages of reflection.
Learning objectives: To be able to perform critical thinking during placements and provide respect and dignity to patients and colleagues while building a strong professional base.
Body 1 (400)
Explain a bit about clinical placement in ICU. Why critical thinking is important in ICU.
Difficulties and strategies:
1) When it was busy, it was difficult to ask questions to preceptor: Noted down questions when possible, researched back home. Listed my learning needs and brought back to preceptor to ask.
2) Fear of making mistakes: discussed with preceptor and ask constant questions. Familiarise with equipments, stick to basic rules and procedures, build up good relation with the healthcare team in ICU.
Body 2 (300)
What I learned? What would I do differently and why is that?
Using initiatives, widespread thinking, pharmacological knowledge, etc
Body 3 (300)
What did I do good during placement?
Say things like building up trust with patient and preceptor. Planning the shift in advance and providing appropriate nursing interventions. Identify the right nursing interventions.
Conclusion (200)(Use bit reference)
How has reflection and having learning objectives bettered me as a student transforming into a registered nurse?
It is important to continue having learning objectives in my career, as it is a form of reflection on experiences whether it be good or bad.
1400 words
APA 6th style
Double spaced.
Arial 12 front