Topic: Over-education in the graduate labour market

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Topic: Over-education in the graduate labour market

Topic: Over-education in the graduate labour market

Order Description

Over-education in the graduate labour market refers to the situation where graduates have jobs that require a lower level of qualification than the one they possess. How often does it happen? Why? How much of a problem is it for graduates, employers and the Government (i.e. the stakeholders)? What are the consequences for all the stakeholders? A lot of studies in the literature attempt to answer these questions.

To research about graduate over-education you will require a range of sources including: academic journal articles and quality press as well as authors’ home pages currently writing in this area. Several electronic search engines (e.g. Google Scholar or Library Search- there is a quick video on You Tube about how to find articles using Library Search ) can be used. Use more than one search engine and do not use Wikipedia.

Where possible your analysis should reflect recent evidence (in any case, no results/data before 2001 should be reported). The primary aim of this assignment is to make you familiar with the concept of over-education, its causes, its consequences and its implications for all the stakeholders. Please see the detailed marking scheme on the next page.