Topic: organization change of China Southern Airlines.

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Topic: organization change of China Southern Airlines.

Order DescriptionAbstract (300 words)
Introduction (600 Words)
Literature Review (2000words)find the different authors opinion about these two questions 1. Analyse the challenges of changing organizational culture 2. Analyse the politics that occurred in the process of change and report instances of resistance to change
Research Methodology (1000 words) which included 1. What is a data collection 2. All the data for this part is secondary data therefore the methodology is data analysis. You can write what is secondary data, why did you choose the secondary data, how in the vast information choose this article.
Case study (2500 words )1.What were the reasons that led to organisational change and what was the purpose of change? (you can write the external and internal reasons or use PESTEL analysis)
2. Who were the involved stakeholders and what role did each of them play in the process of change? you can write the roles of Employees, managers, buyers
3. Describe, using relevant theory and/or framework, the process of change that occurred in the organization youve chosen. you can use Kurt Lewi changing model: unfreezing, refreezing ,change model as a theory.
4. Describe how the changing organisational context has influenced the changes that have been undertaken
5. How would you evaluate the outcome of change?
Discussion (1500words) 1. Analyse the challenges of changing organizational culture
2. Analyse the politics that occurred in the process of change and report instances of resistance to change
Conclusions (600words)
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