Topic: Nursing Order Description A journal entry WITH what different type of material that can can be used when teaching Nursing Certified Assista

spss data analysis
May 22, 2020
descriptive data analysis
May 22, 2020

Topic: Nursing Order Description A journal entry WITH what different type of material that can can be used when teaching Nursing Certified Assista

Topic: Nursing

Order Description

A journal entry WITH what different type of material that can can be used when teaching Nursing Certified Assistant.
please include How are you going to use the article’S in preparing your education for the CNA’s
Remember references must be in ABC order. Also, there should be a hanging indent after the first line of each reference.


1)FSU Chestnut Library


PROJECT DESIGN-Staff Development Teaching Project

Your journal entries are the primary means by which you will demonstrate that you are meeting course objectives and fulfilling course requirements.

The content is as follows:
1.    Clinical hours for the week & Cumulative hours for the semester.
2.    Project Design: Please put your chosen project design here.
3.    SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES: Who you communicated with and what you actually did. Differentiate between research, observed, and participatory activities.
4.    OBJECTICES for the week: List the clinical objectives that you intend to complete.
5.    PROFESSIONAL NURSING STANDARDS & ROLES: Describe each that applied to the clinical experiences for the week. Refer to ANA Position Statement:

The Nurse’s Role in Ethics & Human Rights p. 7-9 for professional nursing standards. Refer to AACN White Paper on the Education and Role of the Clinical Nurse

Leader p. 10-13 (list on p.13) for professional nursing roles.
6.    PROFESSIONAL NURSING VALUES: Describe each that applied to the clinical experiences for the week. Refer to AACN White Paper on the Education and

Role of the Clinical Nurse Leader p. 15 & 16 for professional nursing values OR refer to AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing

Practice p. 27 & 28 for professional nursing values.
7.    CRITICAL REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE: This should be a narrative that describes ALL of the references you have compiled during the week. What

literature is out there? Then you need to critique the literature. Are you looking at position statements from organizations or actual research articles? What is the

level of evidence? Should there be a change in practice based on the level of the evidence? Please refer to the project design you have selected to determine what

your review of the literature should be. In-text citations required. You can attach copies of your articles to your journal entries.
8.    COMPARISION OF THEORY TO REALITY:  How did your experiences compare to the theoretical concepts you presented above? Does theory and real life

9.    EVALUATION OF OBJECTIVES: Were your objectives met? Why or why not?
10.    PERSONAL REFLECTION ON LEARNING:  Thoughts, feelings, reactions, conclusions. Demonstrate full discussion of progress towards completion of

clinical objectives, detailed plan for next clinical experience.
11.    References: In APA format.

YOUR NAME:        NURS 480 Clinical Journal Entry for Week # X

Clinical hours for week:        Cumulative hours for the semester to date:

Project design:

Summary of activities:

Objectives for the week:

Professional nursing standards & roles:

Professional nursing values:

Critical review of the literature:

Comparison of theory to the reality:

Evaluation of objections:

Personal reflection:
