Topic: Mountains Beyond Mountains Writing Assignment
Order Description
1.To better understanding the interrelationship between Farmer’s practice and nursing practice/theory.
2.To draw conclusions about nursing practice.
3.To strengthen critical thinking and writing skills.
Write an essay that identifies a clear conflict between Farmer’s practice and nursing theory,
practice, and research here in the U.S. Evaluate the interrelationship between Farmer’s
practice and theory/practice/research so as to come to a meaningful conclusion about how and why Farmer better informs nursing practice and/or how nursing research should transform Farmer’s work. In other words, what is contemporary nursing theory/research/practice to learn from Farmer, and vice versa. What is a particularly meaningful conclusion worth drawing from the evidence you see?
Paper should be double spaced, 12 point font, and maximum length of 10 pages. APA format
Tips for Success
This assignment will be graded using the USJ Target rubric. As such, I am not interested in
seeing you merely recount elements of Farmer’s practice and elements of nursing theory. I
already know about what Farmer did and I already know about nursing theory and research. What I’m interested in is seeing you find a particularly interesting conflict (seeCORE rubric) and using the elements of that conflict in an evaluation that arrives as something particularly insightful about how Farmer helps us understanding nursing and/or how nursing theory/research might also help us better understand Farmer. Note that
obvious conflicts and conclusions will be viewed as unsuccessful evaluation I really want to see you push for ideas that are not obvious, ideas that require considerable critical thinking.