Topic: Managing Groups and Teams

Topic: information system improve business model
October 1, 2020
Business Law;
October 1, 2020

Topic: Managing Groups and Teams

Topic: Managing Groups and Teams

Order Description


Read the article referenced below from the Harvard Business Review about a simulation technique used by the Department of Defense to facilitate strategic planning. The

author points out how this same technique can be used by a number of businesses as well.

Required Reading

This article can be found in the EBSCOHost collection, Academic Search Complete database.

Cares, Jeff; Miskel, Jim. (2007). Take Your Third Move First. Harvard Business Review, Vol. 85 Issue 3, 20-21

Write a 4- to 5-page paper with an introduction, conclusion, section headings, and references that answers the following questions:
1.How can coevolutionary gaming facilitate group decision making?
2.What are its limitations?

Keys to the Assignment

The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered in your paper include:
•Define the problem: Explain how this strategic planning tool can be used to improve decision making. Be specific and use terminology and concepts from the background

•Analyze the cause: Discuss how coevolutionary gaming would affect communication processes using the Johari window, and/or how it can impact group decision biases such

as risky/cautious shift and groupthink.
•Propose a solution: Describe a situation in which coevolutionary gaming might impede decision making.