Travel Postcards
September 28, 2020
Developing an Evaluation plan
September 28, 2020

Topic: IHRM of FedEx

Order Description

This unit is International Human Resource Management.
Please, choose two or three theories of INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
at least two journal articles references. Do not do introduction and conclusion just do the analysis only directly.
Structure of analysis
o Claim: ……………..
o Concepts: ………….
o Evidence: …………
o Recommendation: …………..
When conducting an analysis, you must have a structure that contains 4 key basic elements.
In terms of the order of the elements, it can be in any order depending on your creativity in making the argument flows well.

1. The evaluation – what differentiates analytical from merely descriptive works.
a. This is your claim, evaluation or analysis – whether the organisation is in line with, implementing or having adopted the concepts or theory.
b. You need to state to what extent:
i. fully?
ii. to a great extent?
iii. successfully?
? these are the strengths
iv. not successfully?
v. to a little extent?
vi. only partially?
vii. hardly ?
? these are the weaknesses
c. expressions used include:
i. it appears
ii. it is apparent
iii. it seems
iv. it looks like

What is a descriptive work that lacks of critical analysis?
Your work would be regarded as descriptive, meaning it is not evaluative or is lacking in critical analysis if you :
• do not evaluate or provide a claim on the extent of the adoption of theories/concepts, eg. the lack of —- or the successful of —-
• merely state the theories/concepts and describe the practices that link to them
2. The theory or concepts – to be paraphrased, supported by references.

3. Evidence – Evidence of practices and policies in the organisation – for your claim……
Expressions used include:
a. this is evidenced ….
b. this is reflected ….
c. these are demonstrated in ….
d. it can be seen ….
e. it can be observed ….

Thus, evidence is not only (1) evidence of practices in the organisation but also (2) evidence on of your claim, ie. the extent of adoption of theories or concepts (successful or unsuccessful).
4. Recommendation
Please note again that the order of the 4 elements can vary, depending on your creativity in presenting the flow of argument.

For example,
• It is apparent that the organisation is currently implementing a growth strategy. According to Phillips and Gully (2013), a growth strategy occurs when an organisation expands internally, characterised by the addition of new locations. The organisation’s growth strategy is evidenced in the way it expands by opening up of new branches in other locations.
• In terms of staffing strategy to support the growth, however, it appears that the organisation is lacking a human capital advantage. Human capital advantage takes place when an organisation can build a competitive advantage which is achieved through acquiring high quality talent (Phillip and Gully, 2013). Phillip and Gully (2013) further state the importance of building a sufficient number of individuals with appropriate excellence by not only recruiting them but also supporting existing staff to develop outstanding knowledge and skills. The lack of human capital advantage in the organisation is demonstrated by its inability to recruit people with the required talent because of its reliance on recruiting people only from within the town. Investing more resources in staffing, necessary to support a growth strategy (Phillip and Gully, 2013), does not seem to be a consideration by the organisation.