Topic Ideas: Women coaching men’s sports (???)

Comparison and Contrast of Judaism and Hinduism
September 16, 2020
September 17, 2020

Topic Ideas: Women coaching men’s sports (???)

Order Description
For this task, use the information from your course readings to create a mini-proposal that outlines a research project focused on a specific problem or question and utilizes a different qualitative method than for week 2. Be sure to clearly define the phenomena to be investigated, referenced procedures and methods for the investigation, and detailed description of the form and substance of expected findings from this mock study. Ensure that the problem statement is clear and concise, yet conforms to the guidelines in the Concept Paper Template located in the loaded documents.

Length: 5-7 pages

Resources: 3-5 references

Activity References:

Litchman, M. (2013) Qualitative research in education: A user’s guide
Read Chapter 5

Jacobs, R. L. (2013). Developing a dissertation research problem: A guide for doctoral students in human resource development and adult education.