Topic: How Department stores can survive and develop in an e-commerce world

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Topic: How Department stores can survive and develop in an e-commerce world

Order DescriptionDear Writer,Due to the time pressure and my calendar, i have no time to do this dissertation myself. This dissertation is for my MBA, so maybe can be more close to real life.My idea for this dissertation is to analyze the strategies how department stores cope with this ever more-online-driven world. I may need to update my supervisor with my progress. Therefore, I may need some work or readings to email him.(Actaully, a draft version before 1th of August is complusory. Thus could you please give me 80% or so by that time?)Actually I may need another help from you, because the professor who is goin to assess this dissertation will be the same one who will have a look of my strategy project. So he can tell the writing style difference if these two were not wrriten by the same people. Could you please also help me with that one to make sure they all seems like from me. Ill place another deal with you soon.Thanks
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