Final Portfolio Cover Letter
August 30, 2020
Qualitative Research – Participant/Observation and Interview
August 30, 2020

Topic: Film Analysis

Order Description
Choose one of the following to write a film analysis:
Kurosawa Akira ???. Rashomon ???, 1950.
Kurosawa Akira ???. The Shadow Warrior???, 1980.
Miyazaki Hayao ???. Spirited Away ????????, 2001.
Miyazaki Hayao ???The Wind Rises ????, 2013.
OzuYasujiro ?????. An Autumn Afternoon ?????, 1962.
Wakamatsu Ko?ji ????. United Red Army ???????, 2007.
You should watch the film carefully and make notes on features that intrigue you. They can be the plot, structure, character, or film techniques. In order to organize your ideas and supporting evidence, you might need to watch the film more than once. Then write your analysis in a coherent and systematic manner.
Note that a film analysis is different from a review, which usually provides a brief synopsis and evaluation for potential viewers. You should assume that your reader has also watched the film, so the purpose of your essay is to help him/her understand the film better.

Your film analysis should include an introduction of your thesis statement, detailed analysis (points, evidence and examples) to support your ideas, and conclusion. You should avoid being overly descriptive about the details or plots of the film; instead, your quoting of a shot or an episode should serve an argument in your essay.
You can refer to “Writing a Critical Analysis of a Film” and sample analyses of Tokyo Story and Chungking Express (David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson, Film Art: An Introduction. Boston: McGraw Hill, 2008, 8th or later editions, pp. 401-410, 431-434). Both files are available on Blackboard.