Essay for Early American Literature
June 23, 2020
Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal (Business Ethics)
June 23, 2020

Topic: Fashion Marketing

Order Description
This unit explores fashion marketing strategies, concepts and models and their management implementation in different types of fashion businesses. It will consider macro and micro issues, the competitive environment and corporate culture all of which will help you formulate your marketing strategy. This unit builds on the knowledge gained from previous units enabling you to evaluate the implications of a marketing strategy and plan in the context of a fashion company using a range of marketing concepts/models.

This unit is assessed holistically (100% of the unit).
An individual report (3,000 words).
Assessment will be against the specified marking criteria.
Written work will be submitted via an online submission platform called Turnitin UK. As part of the submission process, the University will utilise Turnitin UK to check the authenticity and originality of your work.

‘Increasing market share’

As a marketing consultant you have been asked to prepare a report and a short presentation to the board of your chosen company. The board want you to address two issues for their company.
How to address the effect of the competition that new disruptive business models could have on their business.
How to sustain & increase their market share, with consideration of potential multi/omni- channel marketing opportunities.
The report and presentation should critically analyse the company’s current market position and then set appropriate objectives, proposing creative strategies and tactics to address these issues that specifically affect this business.
Evidence for Assessment
Formative Assessment
A 500 word illustrated review of the disruptive technologies that could affect the market share of your chosen company. The submission will be in the form of a 10 slide presentation Powerpoint, you may add hyperlinks and links to sourced videos.
Presentation file to upload the day before formative feedback
Should not be more than 20MB, 10 slides inclusive
You will receive verbal feedback in small group presentations

Summative Assessment
1: An illustrated individual report (3,000 words +/- 10% not including Reference list Bibliography & appendix)
The plan should comprise of the following sections:

Aims & Objectives

Company to be selected is “WHISTLES”
The report will be submitted in a pdf format. Less than 20MB and 25 pages.