Topic: Dynamic capability affect the firms ability to achieve and maintain their competitive advantage )

Survey analysis and presentation Academic Essay
August 25, 2020
Wills, Trust and Estate Class Academic Essay
August 25, 2020

Topic: Dynamic capability affect the firms ability to achieve and maintain their competitive advantage )

Order Description
The title is
( Dynamic capability affect the firms ability to achieve and maintain their competitive advantage )

( I would like to analysis these title following these points )
1- Dynamic capability here means ( managements skills )
2- discuss and analysis in the sector of (human resource managements) .

The questions is what are these important management skills ( there are specific skills are important in the sector of HRM )
that affect the performance ( the performance in the organization and why are those skills are very important and valuable in place of other skills ( some examples of the managements skills that affect the performance positively that have really changed the performance of the organization and HR and keeping their competitive advantage

What was the measurements of these skills ? ( How do they know that these skills specifically affect te performance in this sector ( HRM) & How these performance maintain the competitive advantage for these company as they doing these skills while other company not doing these ?

Make 30 questions to ask managers of HR In different companies of different a levels of performance ( to discover that skills between them and comparing the performance )

These questions will be asked to managers of companies that achieve their performance and maintain their competitive advantage
, and managers of companies that achieved ( some performance did not reach the competitive advantage )
and company which did not achieve at all . ( the goal is to gather info about the skills that have been used by manager toward their employees and their management in the sector of HR in deferents companies
To analyses the importance of skills and relation with achievement and competitive advantage .