Topic: Discuss what type of market structure can best describe the UK grocery sector and the ways in which firms in the sector can behave so that thei

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June 27, 2020
Topic: Critically evaluate the
June 27, 2020

Topic: Discuss what type of market structure can best describe the UK grocery sector and the ways in which firms in the sector can behave so that thei

Order DescriptionPlease Dont use hard words. I dont want to make it seem obvious, my English is normal level. and I would like a very basic first draft with bullet points to present to the professor before the final essay. Focus on answering what is required rather than impressing with words. Quality over quantity. It has a very high grade 20% out of the whole term. and the whole grading depends on achieving what is required. Im relying on you. Good luck1-Coursework question is:
Discuss what type of market structure can best describe the UK grocery sector and the ways in which firms in the sector can behave so that their margins will not be eroded. Consider only the big supermarket chains. We will be aiming for Oligopoly Out of text2-An example of the background to the coursework:According to BBC (2015), Waitrose has recently reported a 24.4% drop in operating profit for 2014 as a result of increasing competition for market share in the UK grocery market. Although the UKs sixth largest supermarket (Waitrose) reported a 4.7% revenue increase on the previous year, lower prices eroded the retailers margins.3-Important Remarks:A. 1500 words
B. Make use of the basic principles of Microeconomics and the relevant theories associated with perfect competition, monopoly and oligopoly and use drawing diagrams. You will also need to consider how these theories relate to the case of the UK biggest grocery retailers.
B. Use headingsC. ReferencesTwo sources,Three pieces of data. Already provided, uploaded it in the paper reading list
2. conduct your own research and find two more relevantand reliable sources to support your arguments.3. Harvard referencing system4. Use google scholar, and provide links to each link used from the website4-Introduction, 200Words:A. DefinitionB. Background (Like the example mentioned earlier)C. Aim and objective of the essay
My standD. Overview of the current UK grocery retailers and an what you are going to analyse for your essay.E. How you will resolve the aims and objectives of your essay.5- Analysis: The UK Grocery Sector, 400Words:A. Use the graphs and tables provided in the Appendix to analyse the UK grocery sector.B. You do not need to copy graphs/tables from the Appendix.C. Use Figure 1/2/3/Other relevant analysisD. Market Structures for UK Grocery sectorC. Identification of the market structure & its characteristicsE. Characteristics of UK grocery sector using KPMG/Ipsos report6- Application of Economic Theory 700Words:Answer the following questions in this section:A. Use the KPMG/Ipsos report (Uploaded it in the paper reading list) and the data you analysed in the previous section to evaluate which type of market structure best describes the UK grocery retail industry. Discuss why this market structure is the best description of the UK grocery industry.B.Strategies for firms to increase profit & their analysisC. Discuss which market structure could be more beneficial for the firms in the UK grocery sector and the ways in which firms in the sector can behave so that their margins will not be eroded. Oligopoly Out of text7-Conclusion 200WordsSummarise the findings of your analysis and then critically discuss the extent to which you either agree or disagree with these findings.
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