Topic: CPM / HRM and Kantian ethics
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CPM / HRM and Kantian ethics means (resources) or ends (people)?
The ethics of Kantian categorical imperative (either/or) demands to treat employees as ends and never a means’ (your textbook, p. 530). When HRM treats human beings as human resources, tools, instruments, materials, and means can HRM ever be ethical? Develop four [4] recommendation on how employees can be treat as ends (human beings as an end in-themselves) and not as means (instrument/resource/tool).
Three Minute Philosophy Immanuel Kant
Three Key Readings:
1. MacIntyre, A. 1982. Why are the Problems of Business Ethics Insoluble, in Baumrin, B. & Friedman, B. (eds.), Moral Responsibility and the Professions. New York: Haven Publishing.
2. Klikauer, T. 2010. Critical Management Ethics, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
3. Klikauer, T. 2012. Seven Management Moralities, Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan
– Your written report should answer the question using a clear report-style structure (synopsis, introduction, part a: research and part b: discussion, conclusion, and four [4] recommendations). Length: 1,500 words (double spacing).
– It must demonstrate evidence of wide reading a minimum of five (5) academic references is required. Note that most internet sites are popular references, not academic references. However, the use of online academic journals contained in the e-collections of the UWS library web-site is acceptable, and indeed, encouraged.
The report must use the Harvard system of referencing to indicate all sources of information and include an alphabetised reference list of those sources cited in your report.
– Do not over-use Wikipedia as a source for any work undertaken in this unit. Citation of this source will be penalised by way of a loss of marks or more severe penalty.