“On Being 17, Bright, and Unable to Read” by David Raymond, “I Just Wanna Be Average” by Mike Rose.
October 1, 2020
Topic: Corporate Social Responsibility
October 1, 2020

Topic: Chris double

Client is 14 year old male his resting heart rate is 70bpm he 5’10 and 120 lbs and body fat percent is 11%. Discuss fitness tests or methods of evaluation that should

be used to asses the client, providing rationale for your recommendations. Be sure to address the specific conditions presented by your client. Provide a detailed ,

comprehensive ,12 week periodized training program, including specific sets, repetitions and exercises, utilizing inter grated approach . Discuss nutritional

strategies and supplement recommendations with a rationale for your choices.



Mental Models Assignment     Last Name:

1.    In the space below, write a description of a situation involving yourself and your supervisor, and identify the mental models, actions, and consequences in

that situation. Include your assumptions and your supervisor’s, relative to the situation being described.

2.    Fill in the second table provided below with information about the situation you described. A examples have been provided for you.

Mental Model (Assumption)    Actions/Result    Alternative Mental Model (Assumption)    Actions/Result
Example #1

“Information is power.”
Manager believes: The more information that I know personally makes me a more valuable employee.    Manager distributes information on a need to know

basis. Staff has limited access to knowledge-base data/information. Staff is uniformed and unhappy.    Manager believes: “Data is the foundation of organizational

improvement”    Design a system that makes information easily accessible. Staff has access to knowledge-base data/information. Staff is kept informed, feel

valuable/important, and happy.
Example #2

Child made a mess in the kitchen, because child is being naughty.    Parent scolds child. Child upset and cries.    Child made a mess in the kitchen,

because the child was trying to be helpful and make lunch.    Parent eats food and has child help clean up. Child is happy.

Mental Model (Assumption)    Actions    Alternative Mental Model (Assumption)    Actions

Type your name in the upper-right corner of this page next to Last Name
Save your file in the Rich Text Format (.rtf). What’s this?
Include the term Mental and your First Name when saving your file. Example: Mental_David.rtf
Upload your completed document using the Browse button, and then click the Submit button.

Points Possible: 25
5 points for describing the situation
10 points for describing mental models
10 points for describing actions