Topic: Children, Youth and Families.

Legislative & Professional Issues
May 26, 2020
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
May 26, 2020

Topic: Children, Youth and Families.

Topic: Children, Youth and Families.

Order Description

Case study scenario:
Emily (36)has 3 children, Sarah(12),David(10)and Lizzie(8)who suffers from asthma at a significant level. Emily separated from the children’s father(Mick) 7 years ago

and while the children have occasional contact with their father, Emily has essentially been bringing up the children on her own. 3 years ago she met Adam and after a

long period dating Adam moved in with Emily and the children 6 months ago. The children liked and accepted Adam until he moved in but considerable tension now exists

between them and Adam. However Emily feels that David loves having a man in the house’, asking Adam to play football with him in the nearby park.Lizzie seems to have

become a little withdrawn, removing herself from the company of her siblings and playing on her own in her room. Adam has begun to exercise what he believes to be

reasonable authority’ with the children but Sarah in particular is very vocal about him not being her father and not being in a position to boss her around’. Emily

can see that Adam is trying to do the right thing but has been unable to convince him to back off’ a little as he believes the children should show him more respect.

Adam has shown some anger with Emily, which she had never expected.
The existing tensions are now threatening the relationship between Emily and Adam, and Emily has made appointment for the whole family with you, the social worker at

the local Community Health Centre.

Question 1:
Develop and present social work assessment of the family situation using relevant theories and frameworks used to work with families and children, giving attention to

the needs of all the members of family.
Question 2:
Develop and present a plan for engagement and intervention using relevant theories and frameworks used to work with children and families, planning for the needs of

all the members of the family.
Question 3:
Identify how your emotional reactions, personal values and ethics may impact upon you and your work, and how you would manage these.

Please take note the resources highlighted to use are Collaborative work with families by Chris Trotter. and An introduction to family social work by Collins,

Jordan and Coleman.