Critical thinking/ Conflicting Viewpoints Essay
October 8, 2020
Business Report
October 8, 2020

Topic: business memo

Order Description
write a memo after reading the uploaded article. The memo should follow the instructions provided below. I will upload the article, the sample memo format (provided below), and the a table for the content of this business course. This course is an introduction to business profession (do not forget to relate the article to some aspect of this course, read the instructions provided below to understand)
If you have any trouble understanding the instructions sed me a message immediately.

memo format:


To: Professor Madrigal
From: Your Name
Date: March 10, 2016
Re: Name of the Article
The first paragraph of your memo is the article summary. Read the article, then read it a second time. As you read, find the thesis of the article. What is the author “claiming”, “arguing”, “asserting” or “suggesting”? Make sure you understand the details of the article. Now comes the process of selection. You need to decide what facts or ideas in the article are essential and what are secondary or of little importance. You have limited space, so you need to focus on the essential ideas in the article.
In the second paragraph you will relate the article back to the course. What is the author’s purpose in writing the article? How does this apply to business (specifically how does this relate to this course)?
In the third paragraph you will state your opinion of the article and whether you agree or disagree with the author of the article. Is the information gained from the article useful to you? If so, how will you use this information? If not, what could the author have done differently? Your memo format should be identical to this format. The memo layout should be 1” margins, double-spaced, with a double-space between the paragraphs. Your memo will be much longer than this current template, but is limited to TWO pages.