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March 19, 2020

Topic: Antiplato

Topic: Antiplato

Order Description

Imagine someone named antiplato says
“The number one does not exist because I’ve never seen it. After 1100 experiments, we have yet to see the number 1.”

Drawing primarily on specific passages from EUTHYPHRO, APOLOGY, PHAEDO, AND REPUBLIC, answer the following questions:

(A) how would Plato reply to antiplato? Would Plato view anitplato’s argument as valid and sound?
(B) what are Plato’s forms, and what role would they play in his response to antiplato?
(C) would you be more inclined to agree with Plato or Antiplato on this topic? Why?
(D) characteristics of form in relation to Dualism.

(P1) If number one exist than number one is to be observed.
(P2) I’ve never observed number one
Conclude: the number one doesn’t exist

(The number one can be assigned it is not touch smell hear or taste)

Plato disagrees-
A- Forms; 1-characteristics 2-Role: language, perception, thought.
B- how? Dualism access:innate,”soul”

Plato agrees-
A- apply analysis of p1
B- observed vs observable (like big foot- he has never been observed but he is observable)

AVOID ; beggin the question, appeal to the crowd, AD hominem

Include quotes- relevant, illustration, and cite sources

– define all technical term.
– omit historical, biographical/supertative.