Topic: answering questions after reading a book

Architectures and Integration of Modern Enterprises
September 5, 2020
dr rocal 4140 discussion
September 5, 2020

Topic: answering questions after reading a book

Order Description
First read the attachments(topic page1 2 3) and you have 2 assignments to cpmplete.

Assignment1: See the attachment(Email.jpg). You will need to answer the question in it based on the topic you choose. 150-200 words

Assignment2:based on attachment(topic page1-3), choose one topic of four. Follow the guildline in page2 and answer to topic question based on the book that I attached (the character of physical laws). 1500words.

The two assignments should be completed in separate word documents.

The only source is the book and you can not cite from outside sources. You can cite from the movie if you choose that topic.

Please read the topic page1 – 3 carefully and do them well.