Order Description
This is a Criticism course, and these are FIVE questions.
The assignment is:
Answer the following questions in 4-6 sentences (each), based on Alexander Pope’s Essay on Criticism.
1-What is the problem of subjective judgment, according to Pope? Do few men have even the potential for good judgment? What ruins “good sense”? (lines 19-25)
2. What must a good critic know about himself? Why does Pope advise critics to “stoop to what they understand”? (lines 46-49)
3. What is the proper relationship between wit and judgment? To what is the poet’s wit compared? (lines 84-87)
4. Why should a modern poet have a “just esteem” for “ancient rules”? (lines 130-35, 139-40)
5. Pope designates pride as the greatest single cause of “Man’s erring judgment.” He thus suggests that there is a relationship between man’s ability to know the truth and his moral disposition. Is “true wit” possible without humility? Do you believe this?