Order Description
1. HW Assignment: Annotated Bibliography. Due May 1st 2016
As a continuation from HIM 412, where you were first introduced to annotated Bibliographies”, the purpose of this assignment is to continue your knowledge and abilities to become proficient in constructing an annotated bibliography. You are to locate at minimum 6 articles and/or books on the topic “Entrepreneurship”. There are a number of journals, websites, books, and articles pertaining to the topic. To widen your search, you are allowed to utilize articles on entrepreneurship outside of HIM; however it is highly suggested that your articles pertain to entrepreneurship in health care, management/leadership, women, minorities, and technology. If you located an article that you are not sure if it meets the assignment requirement, simply send an email to your instructor with a copy (or link) to the article for a review.
Assignment Description:
Step 1: Perform research to retrieve scholarly journal articles and books as it relates to the topic of “Entrepreneurship”. You will create citations for these 6 resources in APA format.
Step 2: You will write 6 concise annotations that summarize each of your five references in Step 1. These annotations should include at 4 to 6 sentences that:
1. Summarize the main purpose of the reference as it relates to the provided topic “Entrepreneurship”
2. Compare or contrast this work with another you have cited
3. Discuss how this work explains your selected topic
4. Citations with annotations (annotated bibliography) must be alphabetized by author’s last name. If no author is given, consider the first letter of the first word of your citation when alphabetizing.
Please Note: Credit will not be given for descriptive/evaluative information copied from another source. In other words, if you find a book review and copy this review to serve as your annotation you will not receive credit. This is considered plagiarism and can result in a grade of a zero and/or any further actions.
Hint Hint: The Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship provides a number of free access online journals articles that may be helpful. In addition, do not forget CSU library and/or online database that can be accessed remotely (https://www.springer.com/business+%26+management/entrepreneurship/journal/13731) To access free online articles relating to Week 13, Annotated Bibliography on the topic of Entrepreneurism please click on the following link. From there click on the red circle that reads “Open Access Read Online”. In addition, do not forget AHIMA’s online practice briefs along with CSU library and/or online database that can be accessed remotelyhttps://www.springer.com/business+%26+management/entrepreneurship/journal/13731
Please put it in your own words.